Author - Director - Producer

Mehr als vierzig Spielfilme für Fernsehen und Kino, produziert in über 30 Ländern, vierzehn Romane, zwei Dutzend Erzählungen und Kurzgeschichten, fünf Bühnenwerke - stets zeitlos aktuelle, außergewöhnliche, mitunter provozierende und kontroverse Themen.

Sociocritical film-comedies like the classicals 'Transmigration of a Soul', 'Medals for the Boys', 'Final Fight', 'The Garbage Dump' and 'Here comes the Guru'. The cult-films 'Spare Parts', 'The last Holidays', 'The Source'. The political Thriller 'Plutonium', 'Report on a Journey to a radiating Future' and the SF Psychodrama 'Operation Ganymed'. The legendary 'Science-Thriller-Series: 'The blue palace', critical of the future and almost caught up in reality, which brought Rainer Erler the description 'prophetical' - and 27 awards at national and international film and television Festivals, in addition to four literature awards.

Rainer Erlers movies are available in the famous KULTFILMBOX (Details in german) (Seven movies: Fleisch, Plutonium, Operation Ganymed, Die letzten Ferien, Die Delegation, Das schöne Ende dieser Welt, Der Spot oder Fast eine Karriere) at Amazon.de, also the 'Cultseries DAS BLAUE PALAIS (Details in german) (Five movies: Das Genie, Der Verräter, Das Medium, Unsterblichkeit, Der Gigant).

Today the moviemaker is a wanderer between the worlds; he spents the summer in Bavaria and the winter in Western Australia.

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