The Movies Short Films: (1961/62) The violet-blue car, The Daisy, The Cow, Aunt Trautchen, Winter
Quarter (price of the Viennale, Vienna), The Cowslip, A
Gentleman, Marke Lohengrin, Lady Lobsters Bridegroom, The
double Santa Claus TRANSMIGRATION OF A SOUL SPECIAL FURLOUGH (1962) incident at the citizens of Berlin wall; Adolf Grimme awardGerman contribution international Filmfestival Berlin 1963 THE WIZARD (1963) after the play by Edgar WallaceMEDALS FOR THE BOYS (1963) satire about the german economic miracle ; Golden Nymphe Monte Carlo; Prix Italia; First price MIFED, Milan THE CURTAIN (1963) after a stage play of Gerd OelschlegelLYDIA MUST DIE (1964) Thriller after a novel of Stephen RansomeTHE GOVERNOR'S HAT (1966) after the classical novella of Pedro de AlarconTHE BOREHOLE or BAVARIA IS NOT TEXAS (1965) popular comedy; Price of the Viennale of the cheerful film , ViennaALMOST A HERO (1967) with Martin Held. The adventures of the brave commander Kueppes.FINAL FIGHT (1967) a bizarre comedy over the all-last days of the Second World War.PROFESSOR COLUMBUS (1968) after a novella by Guido BaumannRAILROAD OVERPASS (1968) Psychogramm of a thought murderer (after Crofts)MR. WOLFF HAS HIS CRISIS (1968) farce of Th.Schuebel around the problem of the inevitable ' old becoming 'THE ASSASSIN (1969) film over Hitler assassin George Elser.Adolf Grimme price THE DELEGATION (1969) ' are we alone in
the cosmos?' Golden camera
JAN BILLBUSCH (1970) 18 part series around the merchant shipping, maintaining information (Germany, Holland, Belgium, England, Turkey, Libya, Kuweit, Brazil, Argentina, Uruquay)THE AMATEUR (1972) Thriller after a novel of Anders Bodelsen (Taenk pa ett tal). (Germany, Spain)SEVEN DAYS (1973) an Evangelist minister in the conflict between occupation and appointment.Adolf Grimme price; nominated for the price of the German academy of the arts THE GARBAGE DUMP (1974) an apocalyptc comedy: Love, garbage and german petit bourgeois THE LAST HOLIDAYS (1975) Psycho Thriller in a tropical holidays idyll (Spain)THE BLUE PALACE (1973/75) the five legendary ' Science Thriller ' around future realizations and around ethics in science and researchI. The Genius ; II. The Traitor ; III. The medium ; IV. Immortality ; V. The Giant (Germany, Japan, Alaska, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Belgium, Venice, Schottland, the USA, Mexico) OPERATION GANYMEDE (1976) the end of an international space missionGolden Asteroid, best Science Fiction film, cinema - descriptor : valuable (Germany, Spain) PLUTONIUM (1977) a report; Proliferation of spaltmaterial for nuclear weapons in a country of the third world. Silver Asteroid best SF TV film (Spain, Brazil)THE SOURCE (1978) fight for a water place in one thirst-end country; Television play of the monthly - nominates for the Adolf Grimme price, contribution on the Festival of Monte Carlo (produced on the Canarian Islands)SPARE PARTS (1978) the 'cult film' about organ robbery in the USA and a unselfish friendship; Golden Nymphe Monte Carlo (new Mexico, Texas, New York)HERE COMES THE GURU (1980)"India just makes neuroses beautiful!" A satire about the commercial, westeastern sect-bustle (Germany, India, the USA)MY FRIEND THE SHEIK (1981) a Bavarian comedy around oil and profit (Bavaria and Arabia)THE SPOT or ALMOST A CAREER (1981) a satiric comedy about the bizarre PR-world (Germany, Spain, New York)THE BEAUTIFUL END OF THIS WORLD (1983) Science Thriller; Television play of the month ; nominated for the environmental price of the prince Rainier of Monaco, on the occasion of the TV-Play-Festivals of Monte Carlo. (Germany, Singapore and Australia)THE LAST TABLE RESERVED FOR REGULARS (1983) Short film. A Tragic comedy about the sudden repotting of an old resident of MunichNEWS - REPORT ON A JOURNEY TO A GLOWING FUTURE (1986)(The Nuclear Conspiracy) Thriller around criminal disposal of radioactive waste; Premio Italia/Targa d'Oro; Golden Fleming Award; Kurd letting leaving price; Emmy Award Nomination ; (England, France, New York, Singapore, Australia) SUGAR - THE SWEET DISASTER COMEDY (1989)genetically altered, aggressive microbes transform all paper into sugars! (England/Australia) A FATAL ASSIGNMENT (1990)(The Kaltenbach Papers) Russian atomic war heads for Libya? Part 1: 'Sharon' ; Part 2: 'Eve' (Berlin, Cannes, Lisbon, Morocco) |