The Books Rainer Erlers novels, narrations and short stories served also as draft for its internationally successful features and television productions. "FEUERZEICHEN" As cloth-bound edition (Hardcover) by Weitbrecht Verlag; the paperback by Goldmann and HC in the Bertelsmann Book Club "DIE KALTENBACH PAPIERE" Hardcover by Weitbrecht Verlag; Paperback by Goldmann "DELAY-VERSPÄTUNG" Flexcover and Paperback by Goldmann, Bastei Luebbe and Ullstein; Hardcover by Naumann & Goebel and by Bertelsmann Book Club; English edition as flexcover by 'pentagramma'. "DIE LETZTEN FERIEN" Paperback by Goldmann and Ullstein "MEAT" Hardcover and paperback by Goldmann; As cloth-bound edition by Herbig-Lange/Müller; Paperback by Ullstein and Das Neue Berlin/Eulenspiegel Verlag; "DIE DELEGATION" (report over a meeting of the third kind) As cloth-bound edition by C.Bertelsmann; Paperback by Fischer orbit, Bastei Luebbe, Goldmann and Ullstein "ZUCKER" (Novel about a sweet disaster)As cloth-bound edition by Herbig-Lange/Müller; paperback by Goldmann "DAS BLAUE PALAIS" (5 ' Science Thriller ': ""Das Genie", "Der Verräter", "Das Medium", "Unsterblichkeit", "Der Gigant")5 single volumes paperback by Goldmann; the Anthology by Bastei Luebbe; as cloth-bound edition by Bertelsmann book club; 2 single volumes: Das Neue Berlin/Eulenspiegel Verlag, 2 single volumes: Reader Digest) "REISE IN EINE STRAHLENDE ZUKUNFT" As cloth-bound edition by Gustav Luebbe Verlag; as paperback by Bastei Luebbe; As cloth-bound edition by Naumann & Goebel; Paperback by Das Neue Berlin/Eulenspiegel Verlag; Hardcover: Readers Digest) "ORCHIDEE DER NIGHT" - Thirteen fantastic Love-Stories cloth-bound edition by Gustav Luebbe Verlag; the paperback: Bastei Luebbe "PLUTONIUM" (the treatment) calibration fount magazine"DAS SCHÖNE ENDE DIESER WELT" (the treatment)Paperback: Mirapuri Verlag In preparation: "BEKENNTNISSE EINES VOYEURS" (thirteen malicious stories) |